Julie W

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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Tool #7

Photo Story was so fun and easy to use! I loved making the transitions, and adding the text. Creating the music was a surprise enjoyment...extremely user-friendly! It was so fun deciding on what type of mood I wanted the music to create. I used Flickr to locate the pictures. That was probably the most time consuming part...just because there were so many to choose from!

Students will love using Photo Story. One possible use would be in the bilingual classrooms as part of the research center for 3rd grade and up. Once students have completed researching a particular content area, they could work with their bilingual partner to "show what they know" using the Photo Story software. I experienced a feeling of excitement and ownership as I watched my video. The students will definitely feel the same way!


  1. Thanks for checking in. No, there's not a problem. I knew I wanted a large block of uninterrupted time so that I could create something I would actually use while teaching. I couldn't do that in a hotel room, so I waited to complete the project until I returned home :)
