There are so many great resources available to help us teachers plan and teach this very important concept effectively. I enjoyed reading the resource The Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship. Actually, it was quite eye-opening. This was one of my favorite quotes: "Learners must be taught how to learn in a digital society." We can't simply teach students how to read, write, and problem solve...we must be able to do this within the context of the digital society in which we and our students now live. Not preparing our students for this will definitely impede their futures.
Three Areas of Importance:
1. Digital Etiquette: Students need to know appropriate standards and conduct in order to be well-rounded digital citizens. For example, how do students appropriately comment on blogs? share a varied opinion? support a differing point of view? critique the work of others in a constructive way?
2. Digital Literacy: Students need to not only know how to mechanically use a piece of technology, but also how to use it in an effective way that enhances their learning. As students conduct research on-line, they will need to be able to distinguish between credible and dubious resources. Then they will need to be able to use and apply those resources in unique learning experiences.
3. Digital Safety: We all have seen reports on the news and in the newspaper emphasizing how important this one is. Students need to be able to protect their identity, become participants of age-appropriate and subject-appropriate websites, and know what to do if they are approached in an inappropriate way.
Teachers can help students learn and understand how to become a digital citizen in many ways. First of all, by simply being a good model---as teachers use technology in the classroom, they can demonstrate the appropriate use of it. Also, video resources can help students understand these concepts. It was great to see so many BrainPop resources listed. One other thought...role-playing situations can also be an effective way to help students understand the importance of becoming a well-rounded digital citizen.
I like your role-playing idea for teaching and understanding digital citizenship. Kim had the idea of doing digital citizenship as part of our character ed lessons. Great throughts!