This is the end of the road for this particular learning experience, but this technological journey continues for me. I have learned so much during these two weeks. I'm looking forward to some reflection and processing time. The possibilities are truly limitless. I will continue looking over the abundant resources and continue creating personal resources for the upcoming year.
My Favorites
1. Photo Story: I got so much enjoyment at seeing the pictures I selected "come alive" that I know the students will feel the same way. Photo Story could be used to visually introduce new concepts and build background knowledge. It could also be a great culminating project for students to display new knowledge.
2. Video Resources: Great for building background knowledge, building depth of content,and can be a part of resource/learning centers. I enjoyed learning about the search engines for videos. It will give us so many options.
3. Google Docs: I think this will be a powerful way for students to collaborate with each other. It will also help teachers as they plan and work together. Our email system will be happy not to have so many rough drafts sent from person-to-person!
I think the biggest surprise was how this journey consumed me! Once I began the process, I was constantly thinking about other applications of the programs or how I should change a particular project to make it better. Now I need to keep up the momentum and continue with the learning process. I'm just at the beginning...a long, adventurous road ahead!